Algorithm O-LEX source code

The source code in the Mosel langugage can be downloaded from here. Before launching the program it is needed to set the path to the directory with the solved problem (variable Directory).

Algorithm A-LEXX source code

The source code in the Mosel langugage can be downloaded from here. Before launching the program it is needed to set the path to the directory with the solved problem (variable Directory).

Algorithm A-LEXZ source code

In the algorithm A-LEXZ is used the algorithm ZEBRA [1], as a solver for the p-median problem. C++ code implementing the ZEBRA algorithm can be freely downloaded from the author's web page [2]. Part of the ZEBRA algorithm is the algorithm POPSTAR, a heuristic providing high quality fesible solutions used as upper bounds in the branch and bound method [3]. POPSTAR source code is included in separate directory and it is used by ZEBRA as an external program. To compile POPSTAR in Linux you can use included batch file run.bat. In order to compile and run ZEBRA and A-LEXZ algorithms it is needed to have installed CPLEX solver. For compilation in Linux you can be use attached MakeFile. The source code was also tested and run under Windows 7 operating system using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.


[1] S. Garcia, M. Labbe, A. Marin, Solving Large p-Median Problems with a Radius Formulation, INFORMS Journal on Computing 23 (4) (2011) 546-556.
[2] (last accessed on 13/08/2013).
[3] M. G. C. Resende, R. F. Werneck. 2004. A hybrid heuristic for the p-median problem. J. Heuristics 10 (1) 59-88.