
Three sets of testing problems, organised by the size, were used to perform the computational study. In all cases, customers are also considered to be possible facility locations, i.e. sets I and J are identical. As there are no standard test problems for facility location problem with lexicographic minimax objective we used problems originally proposed for the capacitated p-median problem while interpreting demands as multiplicities of customers. Twenty small instances pmedcap1- pmedcap20 were taken from the OR-library[1]. To this set we also included the smallest testing problem SJC1 used in the reference[2]. Three larger problems taken from the same source SJC2, SJC3 and SJC4 together with two instances (spain_737_1 and spain_737_2) derived from the network of 737 Spanish cities[3] constitute the medium sized instances. The largest test problems include problem p3038, originally proposed for the TSP[4] and later adjusted to the capacitated p-median problem [2]. Furthermore, considering population data, we created large-sized benchmarks from the road network of the Slovak Republic[5] and the road network of six south-eastern U.S. states[6].

Description of Files

When opening the directory with the benchmark data you will find two directories Network and Problem, each containing the following files:



[1] J. E. Beasley, OR-Library: distributing test problems by electronic mail, Journal of the Operational Research Society 41 (11) (1990) 1069-1072.
[2] L. A. Lorena, E. L. Senne, A column generation approach to capacitated p-median problems, Computers & Operations Research 31 (6) (2004) 863-876.
[3] J. A. Diaz, E. Fernandez, Hybrid scatter search and path relinking for the capacitated p-median problem, European Journal of Operational Research 169 (2) (2006) 570-585. [4] G. Reinelt, The traveling salesman: computational solutions for TSP applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1994.
[5] Data describing the road network of the Slovak Republic were purchased from the publisher MAPA Slovakia Plus s.r.o. (last accessed on 13/08/2013)
[6] United States Census Database 2000. (last accessed on 13/08/2013).